The Best Australian Beaches In Autumn

It’s officially Autumn… sigh 

The Easter bunny is about to hop around the corner which also means the school holidays are fast approaching. Who is really ready for Autumn? Definitely not us!

So this is what we do. We chase the sun and explore the best beaches where we can still walk around in our togs, drink Pina Coladas (and virgin ones for the kids) and devour ice creams like there is no tomorrow, because we are just not ready to settle for the Autumn slog... just yet. 

Here are the best 5 Australian beaches to check-out this Autumn!

Radical Bay, Magnetic Island (QLD)

Only a 20 min ferry ride from Townsville and you can plant your feet in the tropical waters surrounding Magnetic Island. Palm-fringed beaches, large granite boulders, hoop pines, sandy beaches and fringing coral reefs, it ticks all the ‘paradise’ boxes. One of our favourite spots is Radical Bay, but really there are a plethora of beaches to choose from.


Turquoise Bay, Exmouth (WA)

With a name like that you can’t go wrong. Crystal clear waters which are excellent for snorkeling, white sandy beaches and temperatures that don’t dip below 24 degrees, I’m already packing my bags.  It’s been voted in the top 3 of the best Australian Beaches consistently, and we understand why.


Nudey Beach, Fitzroy Island (QLD)

It might take a 45 min boat trip from Cairns to get to Fitzroy Island, but it will be more than worth it. This little oasis of crystal clear blue seas, fringed with lush green rainforest is a must-see. Nudey beach is one of the many stunning strips of sands and rocks the island has to offer but in our opinion the best one!


Hamelin Bay (WA)

We love a bit of stingray admiration action. Besides the fact that it’s a gorgeous beach, clear waters, white sands, the lot. What it’s known for is the friendly stingrays (if there is such a thing) that come right up to the shoreline. If you muster the courage to swim along with them, well then you’re a lot braver than us.


Mission Beach (QLD)

If you like you calm and peaceful, then look no further. No boat needed as it just sits between Cairns and Townsville. Four beach villages connect this stretch of wide golden sand beaches lined with palm trees. It’s one of our personal favourites.

Keep summering on and don't forget to pack some beautiful swimwear for the kids and yourself!

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